Nama-stay at home
Right here, right now there are universal forces at work that are calling us home to ourselves. Whether we're choosing to distance ourselves socially or we're forced into lockdown, now is the time to discover just how powerful our yoga practice truly is.
We believe that we need to do our part to be socially aware while also adhering to the closure of non-essential services, and so it's with a heavy heart that our physical yoga studio is temporarily closed, so in the meantime we're creating an online interactive community where we hope to support the mental health and physical wellbeing of our students near and far.
While it's not quite the same experience as a studio practice with your fellow yogis, thanks to today's technology it's the next best way to stay connected as a community - now more than ever before!
Much like booking your studio class, signing up to join us online makes YOU accountable to SHOW UP. Home practice is by no means the same as our studio sanctuary, so it does require a little planning and preparation - especially if you have the company of little people and pets!
I have had a home practice since....FOREVER, so I'm well versed at how to navigate some of the inevitable distractions and logistics, so here's a few ideas to set up your home sanctuary and get yourself started:
1. Find a Space
A space big enough to roll out your yoga mat, if possible one that's quiet. Try and make the space your own - maybe light a candle or burn some incense and where possible make it clutter free. If you can do it near a wall then that's a bonus but not an essential.
2. Commit to a Time
Note that you will never FIND time you have to make it; trying to stick to the studio class schedule may be tricky if a lot is going on home - so pick a time that suits - likely early morning or late evening and STICK to it! Let others in the house know that this is your YOGA TIME, politely ask that they honour this time and space for you (but be prepared for disruptions!)
If you feel like you can't be bothered to roll out your mat, promise yourself just 5 mins to start and you'll be on your way! Lastly give yourself credit for showing - often our home practice is shorter than one done in the studio - yoga is so much more about QUALITY over quantity - ANY practice is practice.
3. Pay Attention
Listen to and honour your body. Be aware of any pain, pushing or pinching - these sensations are usually your body's way of letting you know that you're overdoing it. If there's discomfort, perhaps you can soften or adjust or use props to assist you - see our TIPS on using props from around the house. If you find fluff on your yoga pants a distraction - then home practice will definitely be next level fluff...again this is an opportunity to turn away from that distraction.
4. Breathe + Meditate
A home yoga practice can be a great opportunity to build a meditation and pranayama practice - don't underestimate the value this practice provides all on it's own! Even five minutes of guided breathing incorporated into your asana practice will leave you feeling a sense of calm and clarity. Alternate nostril breathing, called NADI SHODHANA is a wonderful practice all on it's own, give it a try here.
5. Have fun!
It's an entirely different experience at home - play your own music or perhaps this is your chance to get your partner or child to get on the mat with you! Stay connected with our ONLINE community for motivation and to share tips! You could even practice the same class 'virtually' with a friend!
I'm really excited for this new avenue to connect with students far and wide...nothing like a pandemic to kick your butt into gear and turn a negative into a positive! Our live classes will gradually morph into our online series, workshops and teacher trainings!
Thank YOU so much to everyone again, for your patience and your support.
Sara and Team Bloom